IT audit and consulting

It is hard to imagine a modern organization using no information technologies. IT solutions bring not only comfort and competitive advantages, but also business risks associated with regulatory requirements, IT services non-transparency, industrial espionage and business processes interruptions.

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IT audit and consulting

IT Audit and Consulting Marillion Team consists of experts having relevant skills and practical experience in the following areas:

  • IT risk management;
  • Information protection;
  • Assessment of IT infrastructure compliance with domestic and international standards.

Contemporary topics:

  • Growth of global viruses activity and cyber crimes;
  • Personal data: increased penalties and broadened powers of regulatory authorities;
  • Information volume growth and boundaries blurring (between corporate and personal, cloud-based and in-house infrastructure).

IT audit and consulting

Regulatory authorities toughen and enlarge their requirements, and their powers are getting wider. In today’s contemporary circumstances, the companies should regularly review their readiness for checks. To ensure compliance with regulatory authorities’ requirements, our IT Audit team will help you in conducting the following procedures:

  • IT general controls assessment;
  • IT application controls assessment;
  • IT systems integration and data migration assessment;
  • Assessment of compliance with service organizations standards (SSAE18 / SSAE16, ISAE 3402);
  • IT Due Diligence;
  • Risk-based assessment of applications and informational systems;
  • IT project support from specifications assessment to system implementation and post-implementation review.

Personal data protection

Recently, personal data protection has become one of the hottest topics both in the European Union and Russia. New EU regulations (GDPR) undoubtedly will affect Russian companies connected with European Union residents in some way.

Our IT Audit team and lawyers will assist you to understand the cobweb of the applied laws regulating personal data protection.

  • Federal law No. 152- FZ of 27.07.2006 (in redaction of 29.07.2017) “On personal data”
  • EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)